Monday, May 30, 2005

Macro percolator

It was an exquisitely hostile environment, the one that swallowed me whole. I suffocated under duress, forced to see only colours, not words. Extracting toe and finger nails was their lackadaisical method at attempting to reveal the truth. My mind was safe, the whole way through - there is no way to rob me of my mind.


Krista said...

Not many people believe in minds as something that exists beyond just their brain... but I do. Do you?

And do you know what can rob you of your mind?

Phil Plasma said...

I do, and I am pleased about how much I am learning you and I are alike. I have always thought that the basic form of telepathy - being able to finish another person's sentence - has to do with your mind and their mind occupying the physical space between and among the two of you. I've often wondered if there was a way to practice and increase our minds power and ability to take up more space and hence have stronger power.

As for what can rob me of my mind - I'll be blatant here and say it is my wife ie: any long term relationship. She won't rob me of my entire mind, but she will change who I am over time by making incremental effects on my mind hence robbing me of some of it. Other than that I am guessing that death does something to your mind, but I'm not sure what.

Krista said...

Hm... i've never felt that a relationship robbed me of my mind; my ideals and beleifs may shift slightly to align more with the other person's, but in the end, mine always come back to me.

No, i was actually thinking more about drugs. There are drugs out there that I would classify as mind-altering (and in some cases they can irreversibly damage your mind as well)--it can be as mild as pot, which affects memory (I've seen this effect up close) or heavier drugs such as LSD that can totally mess with your memories, and alter the perception of time (read that and it made sense to me that it's possible)...

blah blah enough with the heavy. :)

Phil Plasma said...

I guess drugs didn't occur to me because they aren't nearly as common in my world as they appear to be in yours. I don't and haven't ever smoked, done any drugs, I hardly drink... so all of these things aren't what I would consider first. I am sure that some drugs will rob you of your mind, both recreational ones and pyschological ones - I think that a series of concussions will do it too. Any kind of major head trauma could cause problems.