Saturday, February 09, 2008

street lamps going off

It happens not at all infrequently that as I pass beneath a street lamp, by any means of transportation, one will go off. I have mentioned this to various people throughout my life time and have only, thus far, come across one other person who can say that the same thing happens to them. I have never captured the frequency that this happens, but maybe it is time I start. It happened twice today (so far).


Casdok said...

An interesting occurance. Wonder what it could be?!

MikeE said...

This happens to me all the time as well, and our mutual friend the Fectoid mentioned to me that it happens to him quite often as well.

I suspect it happens to everyone, it's just that the three of us are more aware of our surroundings than the average person.

I looked into this occurrence a few years ago and it turns out that ALL street lights do this automatically when they get too hot.

Sorry.. but I don't think it's particularly mysterious...

dykewife said...

i've done that. it only happens when i'm really aggravated. the best time was when i was nearly irritated to the point of quitting my job, bran, boy and i were walking to and from the store. when i was talking about the aggravation source the street light in front of us went out and stayed out until after we were past it, then the next light went off and the one we'd just past came back on. the second light didn't come on again until we'd reached the end of the block.

i didn't quit and the aggravation didn't get hired on full time. i was greatly relieved. that was in 2002 and was also the last time i put out street lights.

Casdok said...

Your all aliens!