Tuesday, April 08, 2008

making kentucky fried chicken in alabama

The big day is coming! April 26th will mark the beginning of the seventh year of existence of my first child. Now that he is in school he is keen to have a birthday party inviting all of his class. My wife is really over-run at work these days so I will have to do some research into what activies can I organize in the least expensive way possible for a two hour duration in my home having between five and eighteen kids over (depending on my son's popularity and on these kids' availability).

Of course there will be cake, but we will not organize a lunch or supper - from the experience of friends of ours who have slightly older children, kids often do not eat at parties because it is more fun to play than it is to eat.

We could let them run wild in our basement which is full of toys, but I think it would be more fun for them if there was at least some amount of organized activities.

In other news I received the seeds I will be using for starting my vegetable garden this spring.


Rita said...

Oh I remember those days. Napping before or after is an adult luxury. One bonus, you will find some kid that is so obnoxious, you will be glad he/she isn't yours. At that age it will probably be a boy.
"Whew! Thank God, I can send that little heathen home!"
"Honey, aren't you glad our little___(insert name here) is civilized?"

Debstar said...

If you get all 18 children I would suggest valium in the cordial.

All joking aside, if there any more than 10 kids going then you should ask a few parents to stay & help you.
Or you could consider just inviting boys only for the party which will reduce numbers considerably.

I used to get a number of paper bags, paste a page from a colouring in book on each bag & get each child to colour in their 'treat bag' and write their name on it.
This activity is best at the start of the party when everyone is over excited because it helps calm them down and it fills in a good 15minutes.