Wednesday, May 21, 2008

making your bed without chickens

Sink your teeth into a delicious brocoli sandwich made of ketchup, crunchy peanut butter and lint.

Make amends by mending.

I hope my shoes are not on too tight, I would not want to restrict the blood flow at these pivotal locations.

Faster! Faster! FASTER!


ghost said...

that sandwich sounds great. except for the ketchup part.

Debstar said...

What's the difference between brocoli and snot? Kids won't eat brocoli.

Debstar said...

If I've done that joke before I apologise. If it grossed you out then once again I apologise.

Phil Plasma said...

deb, I don't get grossed out so easily...

supertomek said...

for tidyness' sake i hope its the lint that's getting the other 2 sandwiched into. or just add a "c" and invalidate the equation between the aforementioned 3 ingredients and the object they're supposed to be the makeup of.

i've heard some ppl find it desirable to restrict blood flow at some pivotal locations, when they're trying to go Faster! Faster! and FASTER! again. if they're cleats with sharp bits on them, then making ur bed with chickens could make for a lot of down fluttering about, which again, some folk'll like.