Thursday, February 12, 2009

what's up, fish?

This is the exact replica of a kitchen utensil that doesn't know which way is the left most point of a triangle that sells doughnuts to lemonade stand keepers who can't help but dance the night away.

Why she couldn't do that is of course a question I could not answer. Or maybe I could.

Could you?


Debstar said...

Phil, You need to get more sleep.

ghost said...

if you have the chance, i say dance. every time.

supertomek said...

maybe being a utensil she hasnt enough, if any reasoning abilities to be able to tell, or maybe she's blind, or maybe this is a verbal Rorschach, or maybe i'm not familiar enough with kitchenware to be able to figure this out.

Phil Plasma said...

or maybe you can say 'or maybe' as many times in one paragraph as is possible, or maybe not.

supertomek said...
