Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Vascillating between twigs and oatmeal

Making do with what you have as opposed to always seeking a new and better version of what you already have appears to be apart from human nature. The acquisition of stuff appears to be the lead goal of a large number of people. I, however, am on a constant battle with the goal of stuff reduction.

I have an enormous battle ahead of me.


Casdok said...

I too have this battle - am mostly getting there!

Debstar said...

I have often entertained the thought of downsizing to a smaller house or apartment now that I only have one child living at home but the thought of having to sort through all the 'stuff' puts me off following through.

ghost said...

my battle is trading existing stuff i acquired as a result of a need for stuff i will enjoy.

Zhoen said...

I'm just working on a net reduction in stuff. It's getting easier after so many moves.