Monday, November 16, 2009

Selling soup bowls made of lint

I was vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus yesterday.

Tomorrow promises to be November 17th, the exact mid point between two dates that are equally far from it in both the future and past. This is mostly a meaningless statement, unless it isn't.

I occasionally use this expression: "I would have been here sooner had I arrived earlier." It offers no additional information however it does often create a reaction out of the person with whom I am speaking.

I probably wouldn't buy a soup bowl that was made of lint.


mez said...

I was just thinking today that I am equidistant from being sick and being healthy. Hopefully I can tip the scales to wellness.

I hope to be invincible soon against the H1N1, either by my own body's immunology or by vaccination. We will see.

I now have a craving for Miso soup, even though you referred to lint, which should turn off my appetite.

ghost said...

i do not fear the pork.

but i have been under the weather. or over the weather. whatever your fancy.

Phil Plasma said...

mesh: your appetite has an on/off switch?

ghost: I fancy a bowl of ice cream (not lint).