Thursday, December 03, 2009

Selling carpenter ants to a lemon

I don't think of bats while sleeping, unless chicken heads made of soup stains ring true to the diamond miners that do not know which way is the way to Henry's house.

Slippery slopes do not assist Hank from underwriting the illegible tendencies towards the eggplant infested neadertholic frog pond. Instead, they lick ice cream cones with a severe patience.

This post has a definite lack of fish.


Zhoen said...

I disagree, seems just full of halibut.

Debstar said...

Or blind mullet.

have said that.

You see we refer to a floating poo as a blind mullet. I once tried to find a reference to this on the web and didn't find anything. I did however find an American restaurant called The Blind Mullet. I doubt that there would be too many Aussies wanting to eat there.