Hugs in traffic
On two or three lane busy boulevard roads where there are left turn exit lanes with a traffic signal that gives that lane sole right to cross the oncoming traffic for a limited amount of time, I occasionally find people who do not traverse this with the consideration required. When the light goes green for that left turn, the traffic should travel at significantly closer distances than normal in order to allow for the maximum number of cars to travel through the intersection in the short amount of time that the cycle allows. I refer to this as hugging the car in front of you to be close and only once you are out of the intersection and on the perpendicular road do you then increase separation.
My husband has made the same comment many times. It causes him considerable frustration, probably because he does a lot of driving. It is not something that bothers me that much. My pet hate is someone who follows me much too closely.
traffic jams when there is no reason for them, like a car accident, or a pedestrian casualty, infuriate me. i go from zero to genocidal in .07 seconds.
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