Friday, February 11, 2011

celebrate perseverance!

If elbow scratching was a recognized sport, would people be less itchy?

If rainbows erupted all of sudden with an incessant frequency, would they be less of a wonder?

If spaghetti noodles got renamed to flurjog noodles, would people still want to eat them as much as they do now?

If a bicycle without handlebars wanted to watch a movie, would the no parking sign on the right side become envious?


ghost said...

it's impossible for you to lick your own elbow.

i have a game app on my phone called battle bears. when you shot a teddy bear intent on killing you, its head blows off and a rainbow shoots into the sky.

"come and eat, kids. we're having flujog for dinner," just doesn't have a ring to it.

i can ride my bicycle with no handle bars is the only hit the flobots are likely to ever have.

Debstar said...

No. People would have longer fingernails.

Yes. You can get too much of a good thing.

Yes. A rose by any other name will smell as sweet. Spaghetti by any other name will taste as good.

No. Now you are being plain silly. Bicycles can not elicit emotions from a No Parking sign.