Wednesday, March 02, 2011

masking tape at Halloween

Bartholomew Lackplan lacked the vision to know what would happen even within the next few moments. He could only live, appreciate, understand or derive the correct emotional response to what was actively happening. Bart could remember what had and what has happened, but his ability to plan was absent. Asking Bart what he'd be having for lunch, where was he going to go on vacation, or what was the next thing he was going to work on was pointless - he couldn't answer.

The kinds of jobs that Bart could do was rather limited. An unwritten prerequisite of most jobs is the ability to make use of probabilistic prognostication. It took an enormous amount of trial and error before he found work.

Dishwasher at a restaurant: Bart would see dishes and have an idea what to do with them but couldn't figure out what was next. He would pick the dishes up and then hold them and wait. Someone would then tell him what to do with it, which he would do, and then he would wait. This became rather irritating to his coworkers.

Street cleaner: Bart was adept at sweeping as he knew how to sweep, but he didn't know when to stop - he couldn't envision a break, lunch, end of the day - he needed constant management to tell him to stop sweeping when he had to stop, effectively requiring two people for the same job.

Hotel doorman: Bart knew how to open doors, he just never made the connection as to when the door needed to be open. He eventually understood that as a door was being opened by someone, he could then open it the rest of the way, but he couldn't ever see ahead as to the need of opening the door before a person came to it.

Finally, with numerous other trials he found work that he could do. At a recycling plant there are positions where it is required for workers to sift through the recycling on a conveyor belt to pick out specific items. There was no planning required - when the belt stopped Bart was able to recognize that his work was complete. When the belt was running, he had to pick out the specific items until the belt stopped again.

This made Bart very happy.


Tony said...

I hope to hear the further tales of Bart. :)

Debstar said...

When Bart sifted through the recycling on a conveyor belt picking out specific items, did he not just hold up the objects unable to know what to do with them next?

Poor Bart, can he be helped with intensive treatment.

Phil Plasma said...

Tony: no plans for a future installment.

Deb: It is because it was explained to him as one smooth motion - remove from belt to put in box beside belt.

As for intensive treatment, are you referring to electroshock therapy?