Wednesday, April 13, 2011

creak speak leak freak beak sneak leek?

Break down the barriers between yourself and yourself. Intimate that who you are, what you are and when you are is irrelevant as compared to why you are. Give reason to your actions and pause before reaction. Breathe life into those around you, give them an example to follow. Do more than intend and more than pretend. Reach deep inside and forgive yourself, move on and celebrate.

Be real.


Zhoen said...

The genuine article, here.

Debstar said...

Wow that was deep. Did you take a long time to think that up?

ghost said...

bleak er. i love that movie

rita said...

two too much.

Phil Plasma said...

zhoen: indeed.

deb: I have a category called 'intention' that occasionally I feel the need to populate. It took me about 150% of the average time it takes me to compose a post.

ghost: indeed.

rita: to mulch?

Margot said...
