Friday, June 17, 2011

Inconsiderate Logistics

Inconsiderate Logistics


Debstar said...

I thought of shopping carts blocking the aisles as well, and it is generally a man who is in charge of the cart.

Do you get more money if a comment is left on your hub? I think I have to be a 'hubber person' to leave a message and joining seems like effort to me. I have on occasion clicked on the advertisement on your page. You get more money if I do that, right? I didn't visit the ad websites today, because one was about a bank and the other insurance. Booooorrrrring.

Phil Plasma said...

I don't get more money if a comment is left on the hub, but you don't need to join hubpages to leave a comment. I leave that choice up to you, I would read the comment in either place.

Just visiting the hub is sufficient, clicking on the ads is icing on the cake.