Thursday, September 06, 2012

blankets not melting

Realizing that the days of the week from week to week are reasonably stable, one would expect that there would be more horses or cows or pigs in them.

I, for one, have not (as far as I know) eaten horse meat, but have had a steak and some bacon. I have had a steak and some bacon this week.

The left most side of a desk is rarely thought of as being separate from the desk itself. I should know.


Debstar said...

Horses, cows, pigs....stable. Clever play on words Phil.

I do not believe I have eaten horse meat. I have however eaten kangaroo (yuck) crocodile (good) and snails. I'm sure I may have eaten much worse as a small child cause I spent a lot of time outside making mud pies and the like.

You may remember that hubby & I share one very long desk but I consider my desk to be the section at the very end of the room.
The left most side of my desk is covered in plugs and leads and monitors and assorted technology that I do not understand. In my mind it is quite separate from the rest of my desk.

Have a good weekend Phil, and try to have a good nap if that is possible with 3 kids.

Zhoen said...

I have had bison, it's lovely.

Phil Plasma said...

Deb, thanks. Yes, I remember the desk. There may be a nap in my future this weekend, I will provide an update if this happens.

Zhoen, I've had a few bison burgers in my time, indeed, very good.

ghost said...

bacon wrapped steak, brother. thats where "it's" at.