Thursday, September 20, 2012


I generally shave no later than 48 hours since the last time I did, and usually between 24 and 36 hours. Well, this morning I awoke late as I had a conference call with UWA last night and so I was up later than I normally am, so I skipped the shaving this morning, pushing me past my normal maximum of 48 hours since the last time.

Surprisingly, I bump into my boss on the way into my building, he is uncharacteristically early today. Why? Because he is interviewing someone for their second interview. So what does he do? He asks me to meet with the candidate at the time she is to have come in, along with him.

I wish I had known; I don't like looking scruffy, and to look so in the presence of a candidate might give off a wrong impression about the company and/or me.

Anyhow, I was ill prepared to participate in the interview. I asked one question about how one would handle having to deal with customers who are in various time zones. Then I asked a question about her past working experience, asking her to explain a project or implementation that went exceedingly well. As a candidate I would have loved to have been asked that question as it offers the opportunity to explain a situation where I would have shined.

Then my boss mentions to her something she had fully admitted, which was a lack of technical expertise, and then he asks me a question, how important is it to have a technical background to do the job?

I minimize the importance of it, but that is because of my technical background. This job is significantly less technical than the one I had previously and so when I am asked that question I feel that this job is hardly technical at all. For someone who does not have the background I have, though, it is evident to me that the technical aspect of our job could present a challenge. She eagerly admitted her lacking, and indicated vehemently that she would 'train up' as required.

I was dismissed from the interview at that point. I don't know what the decision will be with respect to her being hired. I suppose I will find out soon.

And yes, I will be shaving either tonight, or tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

Debstar said...

I think if I had to shave my face on a daily basis I would end up growing a beard instead.