Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Finishing of the large surface areas.

The wall where the patio door used to be with just a narrow strip left to be closed off.

Electrical work finished - 'A boucher' - close it up.

At counter level in this post hiding the pipe and support beam will be an electrical outlet and a phone jack.

The hallway doorway now closed on the kitchen side.

We had a tough time figuring out what to do about lighting - the original plan was to suspend a hanging light over the counter, but the suspending would have had to have been hanging from the beam, which would not have worked out. So we decided to put two potlights on the living room side that we will angle to the center of the counter, and we'll put one on the kitchen side that we will angle to the center of the counter.

They also widened this opening by the inch it needed to accommodate our new fridge.


Debstar said...

Just an extra inch for the 'fridge. How difficult will it be to get in and out?

Phil Plasma said...

That's a good question, I suppose I'll only know once it is in place.

Zhoen said...

Always leave enough space around a fridge, or it will kill it. That's what happened to the Too Large Fridge in our house (previous owners) which just gave out. Brand new, very expensive, kaput.

I see the cat inspector is back.