Thursday, December 26, 2013

binoculars on vacation

So I decided on a Bay Day before Christmas to buy myself a new watch (on behalf of my family) as the Bay Day sale that day was 40% off watches and I've been interested in having a more fashionable watch than the one I currently have.

I am happy with it, though it will take me a little while to get used to looking at an analog watch again.

It uses 'eco-drive' which means that both natural and artificial light will keep it powered; so long as I give it either form of light on a regular basis, it will keep running.


Zhoen said...


I'll stick to my watch that looks a lot like your old watch, but is analog. Hard to find a plain digital, without excessive buttons and 'features' anymore.

Phil Plasma said...

The only place I've seen simple digital is in pharmacies where you wouldn't typically look for a watch.