Tuesday, July 21, 2015

beware of witches

It took taking the SIM card out of my mobile phone and putting it back in again for it to start receiving text messages. I had tried removing/replacing the battery, but this was insufficient.

It has been particularly humid here lately with thunderstorms that come along which include torrential downpours. It is possible, for the first time in my 15,372 days, that today is the first time I've ever purchased an umbrella. It has been a fairly rainy summer so far here and a few times I have been found wanting one.

All three of my kids are back at camp this week, so the wife and I are kid-free until Saturday. We aren't doing anything special with this time; I'm on call for work, and she has a conference she is going to for the second half of the week. At the very least it means we don't have to pick up after them, and I don't need to make their lunches.

I'm really keen to see what the New Horizons has found on Pluto and Charron. It passed closest to the pair on July 14th, while I was at camp, but I've been reading that it could take weeks or months before all of the data it has accumulated is processed and then released. Mostly it is due to the time it takes the data to be sent from New Horizons back to here.

I was leaning towards Mulcair and the New Democrat Party for the fall federal election until, apparently, just in the last few days he opened up the Clarity Act. What a bone-headed thing to do. Still, of all of the political leaders, I would want to see him as PM. Federal politics in Canada mean very little to most of my readers, no matter, since I don't seem to be receiving even my regulars lately it doesn't really matter if I post about it.

I need to fold four baskets of laundry tonight. Then I need to clean the kitchen. There is no end to house chores. If I could get to bed a bit early, that would be nice, only it isn't going to happen as I have to be available to our Australian customers until midnight my time. On the bright side, I do get extra pay for this.

1 comment:

Zhoen said...

I'm more concerned with ghosts in the machine. Witches don't bother me.