Thursday, August 20, 2015


The building where I work is on Peel street between Ste-Catherine and de Maisonneuve and starting at the beginning of the summer city workers have been redoing the waste and supply water infrastructure. They started at the Ste-Catherine street end and have worked their way north.

Here is a view looking south at the work they have completed.

As I look out the window of one of the offices of my company, pretty much straight below us, this is where the work is happening presently.
The red umbrella you see at the bottom left is one of the businesses at the ground level of my building that have some tables outside. It mustn't be very pleasant to be eating out there with the noise and fumes coming from the construction work.

This last photo is looking towards de Maisonneuve to show what is left before they'll close everything up and pave it over before winter comes. You can see that they're close to the end.

1 comment:

Zhoen said...

I love watching that sort of thing. Especially on time lapse.