Tuesday, March 15, 2016

When the gargantuan tarantula eats her soup

We are having a desk decorating contest at work. I am considering to participate.

It is cloudy and drizzling on and off today with a forecast high of 7C.

Tomorrow is March 16th, 2016. This is likely a relevant date for someone, for me it is just another day.

I hope to get to the gym today to run 5KM in less than 24:47. The last time I ran 5KM, it was in 24:47.

There is little else to say, especially concerning kelp.


Debstar said...

In The Middle once decorated her homework desk by cutting up a number of magazines and a couple of photos of the family and then making a collage on a large sheet of paper. Then she got a roll of that clear plastic that the kids use to cover their school books and used that to stick the collage to the desk. It looked good and was easily removed when she got sick of it. You could involve your kids in cutting pictures out of magazines and making the collage. We purchased the magazines from our local opportunity shop so it didn't cost much at all.
Just a thought if you were wondering where to start.

Phil Plasma said...

Sounds like a good idea. I already have a vision for what I'm going to do first, but in a future iteration of my desk I can certainly do what you're suggesting. Thanks!