Wednesday, April 12, 2017

sandwiched between eleven and smoke

My daughter, the middle one, C-Ling, has a part in a play, 'A Pirate's Life for Me' that they performed yesterday for their school and are performing this evening to a general audience made up mostly of parents and family.

I asked her yesterday evening how the first show had gone. She said it went terribly - many of the main actors forgot lines, the singing was out of tune, actors came on or off the stage not at their cue times and movement on the stage wasn't as it should have been. She said that during their most recent rehearsals it had gone much more smoothly.

Hopefully the show will go better tonight.

In other news the NHL playoffs begin this evening for my home team, the Canadiens are playing the Rangers.



Debstar said...

How exciting. Please tell us how the play went and in particular how C-ling performs.

meshie said...

I cannot cheer for the habs. I simply cannot.