Wednesday, January 03, 2018

when the gargoyle needs to urinate

So yes, already, we are into 2018; the year whose sum of numbers adds to 11, a prime number.

This year promises to have events that take place; people that do things and say things; buildings that get built and buildings that get torn down.

I expect almost exactly zero orangutans to play chess with me this year.

If it turns out that the pair of shoes I am currently wearing wear out before the end of 2018, I may replace them with exactly the same shoes, so long as they are available.

I did not strike any of my left phalanges against the kite manufacturer's daughter's left shin. She was very grateful for this.

It happens to be snowing as I compose this sentence in this post. This is not abnormal for a day in January.

I may purchase a new wrist watch in 2018; we'll have to see how that goes. Also, possibly, a shower curtain. Hopefully I do not cross purpose those two items.

Who knows, perhaps a Hyperloop plan will get approved with construction to begin in 2019. There are a number of candidate locations throughout the world, some of whom are very keen to see this in action. I too, am keen to see this in action.

I know that SpaceX has big plans in 2018.

There are other items I could add to the list of my expectations of 2018, but I've lost interest in continuing this post.

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