Wednesday, April 25, 2018

When reactivists solemnly pantomime

A western dirigible once flagged me down, asking what the correct pencil length would be to raise a ringworm from the sheep stall used by a doting catfish. I answered that three or four sevenths of the length of a standard pencil should suffice, so long as it was a 3B pencil. An Athenian from ancient times tried downloading Angry Birds onto her tablet but the version numbers didn't sync.

If a Cartesian value system was applied equally among people born in even numbered years, and applied unequally to those born in odd years, would the stifles that AXY3 members feel be quick to surrender, or mirthless in its equanimity? An extremely finite view of a broad range of options is what is called for. I should know.

Squeak the beak, quake the bake and claw the straw. Melt the kelp, cringe the syringe and eye-ball the dust-bowl.

There's a volume talker dividing the key clicks and rail noises. Though it isn't an étage tranquil, it can be seen as disrespectful that this volume talker carries on. Curiously, adjacent to the volume talker is the violent key-presser. The volume talker's voice is penetrating while the violent key-presser sounds are insidious.

This sentence marks the three sevenths mark of my rail trip to TO. Though seated next to me is a stranger, I am on this train with eight coworkers; we are attending the 'Great Place to Work' awards ceremony this evening. I was one of the lucky ones to put my name in and I got selected to go. It is a short trip, we attend the ceremony/banquet/party this evening and tomorrow we take the train home again.

Riding this train makes me wonder what riding a Hyperloop will be like. More G-Forces at start and stop, for sure, but for the stretch in the middle; will it rock and bump as long distance trains do?

Four types of dandelions wept bitterly as their brethren were sliced away, only moments later to be sliced themselves. Those lawnmowers are callous machines; they don't discriminate. De-weeding is a little more compassionate; though the end result is the same.

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