Monday, January 21, 2019

fish and the left most imbecile

A maelstrom of peaceful inhibitors linked arms in a pacifist social action to deny an earwig removal team access to the newly upturned soil. That the corner of the 40 and 15 is such a hot topic; developers want to 'go crazy' in a part of the city that, yes, needs work, but no, does not need 'crazy' work.

Apathy as a kind of fruit seems to serve no specific purpose or have any important nutrients.

Severity as a personality trait is perhaps one of the most least desirable of personality traits. Can you say: 'most least'? Well, I suppose I did, twice now, which means, it can be done.

Ambiguity as an Olympic Sport is probably not one that would have significant representation as it wouldn't be clear how to win.

The peaceful inhibitors ended up losing as they got distracted by click-bait on the interweb. Earwigs never seem to have that problem.

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