Friday, May 31, 2019


As I've done for the last five years, I've gone to my son's high school's gym to volunteer to prepare the gym for the Graduation Ball. Parent volunteers are asked to help get the gym ready by doing a variety of different things. What I usually do is to help paint some of the banners. This year I did one from beginning to end.

First the banner is suspended up on a wall and an image is projected onto it. Here, I had traced just the track, first.

Then I traced out the rest.

Once the tracing is done, it is laid out on the floor and so then I painted the track.

Next, I painted the building outlines - the ones shown are ones that you can buy tickets to watch the race from apartments that have balconies overlooking the track. I also painted the orange squares; these are spectator stands. There were others that I did not include.

Here I just painted the buildings purple.

Here I drew in all of the boats. The smallest boats are just short straight lines. Also, I had forgotten to add the pit lane, so I added that in.

Here I added small black lines on the boats to show that some of the larger ones have multi-level decks.

Next I painted the water. Note that the small rectangle of water closest to the purple buildings is actually a pool. I also painted four of the paddocks.

Here I finished the banner by painting a background city colour and adding the last paddocks.

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