Tuesday, June 25, 2019

why not all of the references make out like you think they will

A garden hose, a morsel of french toast and a pre-teen iguana participated in a lawn bowling tournament against each other.

The garden hose performed poorly as there was no water supply attached to it; the morsel was simply too small to appear to have made any difference in anything while the iguana kept chasing the crickets that hopped around in what seemed to be an irrational behaviour.

The people who were acting as observers to this event were not even a little bit surprised at the outcome. I should know.

Painted a room in the house to be sold over the past weekend. Still have a section of the trim left to complete.

Who has the highest number of octagons?


mez said...

dodecagons clearly have the most number of octagons, especially in multiples of two or more.

I'm thoroughly surprised by the outcome of the pre-teen iguana. I would expect it to perverse the results of the tournament to its own salty ends.

Phil Plasma said...

I see an octagon whenever I see a Stop sign.

I see dodecagons almost exactly zero times.

Pre-teen iguanas aren't particularly predictable, so the outcome result is really just one of very many that could have happened.