Wednesday, July 03, 2019

When all else fails, bake pancakes

Not all of what you see is real, only our consciousness knows what is and what isn't, and who can trust her?

If our consciousness is really only an awareness of what we are doing and thinking, what purpose does it serve?

Tomorrow isn't going to be the day that comes after today. This is a fairly traditional way of looking at the days of the week.

I have eaten broccoli at least one time in the last week.

Not all of the news is as relevant to the reader as some of the news isn't.

I for one, like to eat meatballs. I also like to nap. I do not like to nap meatballs, however.

All of the listeners who listen, all of the watchers who watch, all of the talkers who talk and all of the see-ers who see; put them all in the back yard of my sister's neighbour's house and let them have a BBQ where only meat-alternatives are cooked and served. Wall flowers are not to participate.

I'm off to the movies, see ya later!

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