Wednesday, November 27, 2019

when bland meets beige and grey

All of the political moves that a gangling executor would use to strike foul the mid-slowest of up-takers could be listed on a small yellow PostIt note. Once written, that note could be stuck to a surface, but not the surface of the Sun (well, unless you try to stick it to the dark side). Did you notice that both 'strike', 'stuck' and 'stick' got used in this post so far?

A carcinogen bearing large group of mucously covered isotopes went on vacation; they traveled to the Islets of Langerhans and lay there on the beach. Most other beach goers left them plenty of space. The beach cleaners shirked their responsibility, and instead, chose to grab a beer at the local pub. The isotopes put in a complaint about the cleanliness of the beach; but authorities just ignored them, prejudiced against variant numbers of neutrons.

A reckless Hyacinth was derided for baking cupcakes using Grasshopper flour; her mistake was owning up to it. The Geraniums and Poinsettias, had they not been told, would not have been told. The skydiving Solidago witnessed all of this on his descent and thought it curious right up until the failed parachute plummeted the flower adjacent to one of the mucously covered isotopes.

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