Thursday, January 16, 2020

that two more of them would be enough

With so much conflict in so many places, I find it really nice that in my office, where I work, at lunch today, at the table, first generation immigrants from Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and Syria were all having lunch together with me, a Canadian, a Serbian and a Romanian.

Last night and into this afternoon we have received about 5cm of snow.

This coming Saturday it is forecast for us to receive 15cm more.

A neanderthal insurance salesperson did not accost me on my way into work this morning. She was too busy repelting her coat.

Box covered anthills are too difficult to find in a warehouse filled with boxes. Some people swagger, others saunter, some perambulate, while few crawl, all while most simply walk and others run.

I'm curious if we'll ever find a Goldilocks Exo-Planet less then a parsec away from us. It could be that we've already explored all of our surrounds that is within that parsec sphere of space that surrounds us, but, well, perhaps we didn't.

A parsec is about 3.26 light years. At one-tenth the speed of light, it would take 32.6 years to get there. Sadly, we haven't anything yet that can travel that fast.

In Star Wars there is a hyperdrive, in Star Trek there is Warp speed. In the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, there is an Improbability Drive.

All, as yet, fictional methods of traversing the vast distances between stars and planets.

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