Thursday, June 04, 2020

all that is lost is not made of snot

The post prior to the one that is prior to this one mentioned the possibility of another protest march this Sunday, I found the details.

Here is my plan for that Sunday.

Saturday evening, go to sleep early, like at 20h.

Sunday morning, awaken at 0h55, to start my night long walk at 1h. It should be about a five hour walk which gets me home at 6h. I'll put my feet up, eat something, take it easy for a while.

At 9h13 I leave my apartment to catch the 211 bus, from L-G walk to Place Émilie-Gamelin where I should arrive about an hour before the protest march is to start (11h).

There is a train home that leaves at 13h30, the protest march is scheduled to end at 13h. If it happens to march in the direction of the train station, great! If not, I will depart from the protest march at a time that makes it possible for me to catch the train home.

I'll get home at around 14h05 and after eating a healthy snack, will go down for a nap.

With respect to wearing a mask, I'll put one on when I leave my apartment at 9h13, and if the train coming home is mostly empty, I'll take it off after I board the train.

With respect to social distancing; during my night walk I will be well clear of anyone, during the protest march I will sacrifice the physical distancing in support of the importance of the message being sent. During all of the transiting, I'll stay clear of people as much as possible.

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