Friday, July 03, 2020

yep yep yet yes

Awoke at 1h55, got to the bus stop at 2h12, bus arrived to pick me up at 2h24, got to Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue at around 2h40 (I didn't check the time).

I was not able to get a clear photo, but it says 2h28.

Where the bus let me off I was just a few streets away from entering Senneville.

I saw my first nocturnal at around this point: a skunk that paid no attention to me as it nosed through the front lawn of a house I passed. A little further along there was an opening that let me see the Ottawa river and the moon looked really good. This is the best my mobile phone could do with it:

It was soon after this, or just before, that it occurred to me I should have done this walk in the opposite direction. The houses along this road in Senneville are mostly mansions with vast well kept designer grounds. Some of the houses had lights throughout their garden lighting up the trees and other vegetation. Perhaps I'll do this same route again next, or in the near future, where I walk to Ste-Anne-De-Bellevue along the same route, and take the bus home.

The road called Senneville passes under hwy 40:

After the highway, more houses, and then it was just forest, and then there was a short section where there were not even street lights. It was a little creepy at first as the forest was thick to each side, but at about the half mark of this section of unlit the forest cleared and it was wide open. I could see a vast amount of sky. It was here I saw my next nocturnals - I saw a few fireflies. Then finally the road was Senneville no longer and this is the first instance of Gouin that I saw:

Just a bit later I came across Cap St-Jacques, first, a sign leading to the beach, and then second, the main entrance road. You can see the sky is starting to lighten.

After Cap St-Jacques, Gouin mostly had houses on the water side of the street, but in a few spots it opened up allowing for the following photos to be taken.

It just around here I saw my next nocturnal - another skunk, this one I got fairly close to and was angling to photograph him, but just as I got ready he noticed me and jumped through a hedge, no longer visible.

The sun was rising:

And then Gouin meets St-Charles:

The sun shown through between the buildings as I walked this section of boul St-Charles as it was still low in the sky. Here I meet up with hwy 40:

I am fascinated by the construction of the REM and some day I hope to see Anne in action. The following photos are all at hwy 40; this new transit line runs parallel.

Then it was Elm, to Donegani, to a path that joins one part of Donegani with the next.

I got home just before 7h.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I really like the pictures of the sun rising. Also, the last picture of the REM, the curving line is beautiful. My friend drives near where you walked by the forest area and has seen deer on several occasions. I'm happy the skunks were friendly :)