Wednesday, September 09, 2020

dim orl quid

I received a message from Dimitri Orlov that the Quidnon project is now dead in the water, so to speak.

My idea about having a Quidnon was to retire in one with friends; sail up to Canada during the summer months and anchor somewhere within easy reach of a shoreline grocery store. In the winter, anchor somewhere in the Caribbean, doing the same.

To be in a position to do this I would first need to learn to sail; buy a smaller boat to gain experience, perhaps upgrade to a somewhat larger boat that could handle longer trips to practice longer distance cruising and then finally build the Quidnon.

One cynical definition of a boat is 'a hole in the water into which money is thrown'. So while the idea of sailing in general, and retiring to a boat more specifically does appeal, it seems I will need to sail vicariously through the few U-tubers I follow who are doing this. It may be a more pecuniarily wise decision to devote what funds I have that could have gone towards sailing to simply get invested as part of my retirement fund to eventually fund the Retirement House idea.

Part of me is still enamoured with the idea of sailing; however, I know that if it isn't reasonably easy to do this; I likely wouldn't make sufficient use of the boat to balance the cost of it. As an example, I have a kayak in my basement locker; I've gone kayaking once last summer and once this summer. It is a bit of an ordeal to get it out and make use of it. If the kayak was at the shore and I lived at the shore, I'd be much more likely to take it out regularly.

Similarly, if the sailboat was at a marina, and I could just go to the marina and sail it out; that ought to increase my likelihood to use it. This also increases the cost.

I just gogoled the boat show in my city, it is in February. Maybe I'll go just for fun.

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