Saturday, December 26, 2020

When the clock strikes twelveteen

I am dreaming of moving to Glace Bay, NS. There are some houses there that are quite inexpensive; it is conceivable that with what I already have, I could live there with relative financial ease and reduce my working hours significantly. I am not an island, however, and have my children here who still need me. So I will continue to dream. It is possible that five and a half years from now I could conceivably make this change, but it would mean not seeing my children for long periods of time. Well, it gives me time to think about it.

Playing table tennis has been quite fun; in the church basement there is a large collection of clothing, books and other items for distribution to those in need. One of the books is the third book in a series of Physics education. This third book starts principally with relativity theory; something I hadn't learned about way back when I did physics. So, I've been arriving to play table tennis early so that I can read some of this book. I think I'll take it home.

Continuing on books, I've read a few articles about what have been the top books of 2020 and after having read some of the descriptions found some I'd be interested in reading. Out of curiosity I decided to check my local library to see what they have of these books and I was pleased to see they had many. I haven't made use of the library with any regularity since moving into this town ~10 years ago. Perhaps I will now. During this C19 time they accept book reservations on-line, and then when they get to it they will contact me to arrange a date to pick up the books. On that date, any time of day that the library is open for pickups, I can go, show my library card through the glass to a librarian. The librarian will then retrieve the books and place them between the interior and exterior doors of the library and that person will then return inside. Once inside, I can enter through the exterior doors to retrieve the books. On the website they recommend not handling the books for five days upon receipt. I will have to handle the books to carry them back to my apartment, so I don't know that I will adhere to this recommendation.

Getting back to reading that physics book and moving to Glace Bay and being semi-retired, an idea I had was to continue learning about physics and also building/creating experiments to show how closely I can match a mathematical model. Another idea I have had about moving to a house that I can easily afford is to get into astronomy and have a proper telescope that has tracking and camera installed and start taking measurements or studying a particular area of the sky; or seeing what specific community based research projects are out there that could benefit from an additional data point. 

This modified quarantine has allowed me to think and plan and dream about all sorts of things; the question becomes, how do I make any of this possible? Where do I begin? What can I do now that would help with these things when it comes time for me to be able to do them? Heh; these are more topics for me to think about.

1 comment:

ghost said...

i wonder what dreams my parents put on hold to make sure my brother and i were taken care of.

Happy new year, amigo.