Thursday, December 16, 2021

a wallet, a dirigible and a raincoat walk into a bar

Sitting across, like a pancake mixture facing the other ingredients on the counter waiting to be combined; asking questions like an interview, oddity in the situation, unexpected but well received.

π/2 rad of minutes too long? Tough to say, I'll just think of it as a seasonal bonus and return to π/3 for subsequent sessions.

Very close to the midpoint of my trip around the sun, the daylight hours are still shrinking, almost to their annual minimum.

There is little else I can say about Tang, Miracle Mart or Consumers Distributing.

I hope if you manage to read this that today works out to be at least a vaguely memorable one.

1 comment:

meshie said...

today is a vaguely memorable as any other since the pre-covid times

I look forward to the daylight hours stopping shrinking

Consumers Distributing was the place my dad would by my birthday present every year which was the latest waterproof TIMEX watch (I had several colours of this same watch). this is a happy memory for me.