Saturday, May 07, 2022


 Day 6 of CTTE, disembark day.

When I first booked my flight home from Orlando I picked a flight in the evening, to allow for plenty of time to talk to fellow CTTErs and to have lots of buffer. Then AC announced the flight time was changed to be 12h30; and then AC changed it again to be 11h30. As a result I will be a walk-off passenger, which is to say I will not have RCL handle my luggage; I will walk off with it myself. The plan is to disembark at the earliest possible moment and get a ride on a shuttle back to the airport. Hopefully this works out. My flight arrives home at about 14h30 so I will have the remainder of Saturday and then Sunday to decompress from this crazy voyage and then I start my new job on Monday.

I will have seen 20 bands perform though the last five days. This is more performances all at one trip than, if combined, all previous live music shows I've ever attended. 

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