Monday, May 20, 2024

heh, so, how long will it last?

My Rep asked me if could choose to live forever, would I?

It is, of course, ridiculous to even think about this for as much as I have considering how impossible it is, but just the same, here we go.

First, I would agree to it if I could have my 27yo body; I think at that age I probably had the body and appearance I would be most happy with to have in perpetuity.

Then I thought, so as not to arouse suspicion, to plan a decade at a time and to switch where I live at the end of the decade so as to start anew somewhere else. In this way, the people I come to know will know me as a mid 20's person who has good genes to look that way into his mid 30s.

Next I thought about just doing regular jobs like the one I have now, but now the goal is to keep working until I have amassed an enormous fortune that is well invested and from which I can take a salary without the capital amount ever suffering. In this way for the future I could spend my time volunteering or traveling. Not having to work sounds ideal; though I would always have the option to, if at some point in the distant future I would want to.

Next I thought that maybe it would be nice to have a home base that I can return to in between the decades to have some time to relax and plan for the next decade. So, I would have custom home built that can be put into a hibernate mode during the decade I am away, and that it can be brought to life for the 12-18 months I would spend there between decades. During my time away I would hire a care taker to take care of the house and maintain the grounds and would pay generously.

Then I thought about the investments; how would it look if my age as per my birth year shows I am 136 years old? Or 390 years old? I would look for an investment firm that has existed for a very long time, and with the hopes that they will continue to exist for a very long time, I will meet with the head of the company and make an arrangement that a select few of them will know that I am immortal, and that their firm is being charged with managing my investments and sending me my salary. When the select few of them retire, they are to entrust new employees to continue.

I also thought about the ability to travel; how would it work if my passport shows my birthday was 245 years ago? 548 years ago? So I thought I would meet with Canada's National Security Director and the Minister for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship to let them know that I have this 'immortality' problem and am stuck at the apparent age of 27, and so it would be helpful if every ten years the birthdate as shown on my passport can be updated to reflect my apparent age rather than my actual age. Ultimately it would be the boss at Service Canada that would then manage this, so that person would be given a directive to assist me in this way, and that that directive would be handed to the next Service Canada boss in perpetuity. I do not know how I would organize a meeting with these people; but that is a problem for the immortal me to work out.

In any decade where I am starting anew, I would look for a Catholic Church in the destination's diocese that is not a booming successful one, and not one that is very close to closing; but pick one somewhere in the middle, and then I would move into the jurisdiction of that church and then become involved in it. This is something that has lasted for centuries, and so I expect it is something I could continue to do for centuries. As a volunteer there I would work on revitalizing the church, to run events and try to grow the membership. Of course, with my ever growing wealth, I could help the church financially too, whether it is for capital programs to make major improvements, or, operational contributions to help to pay for annual events.

One part I have also thought about was finding a romantic partner for during the decade; this is a little tricky as disappearing at the end of the decade would be painful for both of us, but necessary as she gets older and I stay at my apparent age. I do not know if there is a morally right way to manage this, but for sure I will have many decades to figure it out. I also thought about would I produce any progeny in these romantic partnerships; and I do not yet have a good answer about that.

And finally I thought about learning to play piano, something I have actually had an interest in doing for some time; I expect I would become rather adept at playing over the many years I could play and practice; so I could play piano during church services, but also play at informal gatherings.

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