Tuesday, June 25, 2024


If I walk to the train station adjacent to my apartment building complex and pass through the pedestrian tunnel underneath it, I have about 400m of a straight line on a road to gain access to the shore of Lac. St. Louis. At this point of the shore it is a narrow strip of what I assume is public land, but it is not developed and not easily accessed. Here is the view from Lakeshore road. At about the very center of this first photo there is the slightest evidence of a trampling of the vegetation as an access down to the water.

From the bottom of that trampled path looking up, there is the slimmest of paths through the vegetation:
I had planned to put down paving stones and get a bench or chairs but on this trip when I went two days ago I found someone else had had the same idea and had left two benches and two stacked chairs.
On this pleasant late afternoon this is what the lake looks like:
It is nice that there is this oasis down there that is easily accessible. 

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