Wednesday, July 10, 2024

L4 Settlement part 4

Further disparate notes.

There is a centrifugal force being applied by the mass of all of the settlement contents being pushed against the dodecagon which is pushing against the metal cylinder that is the separator between space and inner atmosphere. I do not know how to calculate that force per sq m as I do not know the mass of the settlement; but I know this could be calculated. I had originally thought that having a 15700m continuous steel strapping would need to be wrapped around the cylinder to offset that internal force, however, I have since learned about the idea of cold welding. Cold welding would allow the steel curved panels to automatically weld to each other when in space such that they become a single piece. What would be left would be to determine an appropriate thickness for this cylinder that, if it is was all one piece, how thick would it need to be to support the mass held within. Given this new knowledge about cold welding, the inner dodecagon will be built first to allow it to be cold welded together, and then the support beams that join the round outer cylinder to the inner dodecagon will be cold welded to the dodecagon's exterior and finally the cylinder will be cold welded outside of that and cold welded to the support beams. Perhaps some of the support beams can be in a triangle truss structure to improve the strength between the two.

There are various departments that arise within a city. Doing some digging  I found the following departments and I attach my thoughts to each one.

Fire department - there will be a fire inspector per quadrant to continuously verify the fire extinguishers that we obtained from Earth to do the same types of extinguisher inspections are done on Earth. We may import one firetruck and build a fire station located centrally, downtown.

Finance - since there are no payments going to the city from citizens, nor any fees for anything, nor any expenditures, the finance person or team will be responsible for managing the sales the settlement does to external to settlement parties, and manage the orders and payments made to Earth for supplies brought back to the settlement.

Public Works & Utilities - there will be a public works person in each quadrant whose purpose it is to solve problems, for example, any appliance within a kitchen, any window that ceases working, any clean up that needs to happen in public places and so on. This person will be responsible for making sure all of the infrastructure is working.

Economic Development - this would be the Industry manager, someone I already described, who would be managing the industry cylinder and assisting any citizens who have production ideas for anything we could sell to the outside, or that we could use on the inside.

Human Resources - this person or team could manage the selection of people for all of the committees at sub-sub-quad and up; and keep track of them as they will vary from year to year. This person could also handle immigration into the settlement - to assign an apartment complex and to give an introduction once the new settler(s) arrive.

Recreation & Culture - there would be a recreation person in each quadrant and a manager for the whole settlement. This team will organize as many sports and cultural events as we can manage, making use of the facilities in each quarter as well as the facilities downtown. This will include quarter vs quarter sports events, the marathon and half marathon twice a year, drama plays in any and every performance hall, help music bands get started and so on.

Information Technology - this would be centralized and would be our local internet and mobile device network team. There would be a fibre optic network piped in to every apartment and as well into the schools, the medical centers, the hospital and the university (and anywhere else). Additionally, there would be Wifi across the settlement and we would use wifi for communicating with each other rather than a 4g or 5g network. The IT team will be there to set all of this up, and to maintain it.

Police - we would have a very small security force that is full time, but then with perhaps a few thousand on reserve so that at big events where there are lots of people, we can have those reservists assist. Perhaps the reservists would have a rotation on the security force. There would be no guns in this settlement and the only knives would be ones in the kitchens that are safeguarded.

City Planning - The location of the moving walkways, the pedestrian paths that run the circumference and are perpendicular to the moving walkays, the downtown core and the sinuous half marathon circuit around the settlement will all be pre-planned. The first ~100 settlements (25 in each quadrant) will also be pre-planned. Following that, each quadrant can have a city planning committee that decides when and where to build the next apartment blocks, where to build the daycary/primary school, where to build any commercial area. This committee could propose a few plans for expansion and put them to a vote to all of the existing quarter citizens. They would need to adhere to just a few rules, for example, each sub-quad needs to have at least 208 apartment blocks.

City manager and clerk - these are people who are the small amount of bureacracy. Both would participate in the monthly meetings that include each Quarter rep as well as the farm and industry managers. The clerk would take the notes and publish everything for citizens to learn about what is happening in the city. The manager would see to it, through some delegation, that the whole settlement is operating smoothly.

Olive trees, and perhaps other of the trees that will be in pots in the settlement area, will need to have a dormant time if they are to grow properly, and the only way they can have a dormant time is by lowering the temperature. My original plan was to have the settlement have the same sunrise and sunset year round and have the same temperature all of the time as well. Upon revision, we will have Mediterranean seasons without the extremes of cold or hot. So the sunrise and sunset will allow for longer days in our summer and shorter days in our winter, night time temperatures throughout the year will drop a little, and the winter low would go down to 4c with the summer high go up to 25c. And there would be variability included, though there wouldn't be precipitation.

Given this, the apartments will need to have some amount of insulation and a simple electric heater for those colder months.

Next, in my original plan I had a small, perhaps 200m radius cylinder that traverses the center of the cylinder from end to end that is the light source for the settlement. At 200m radius, this would put the light fixture about 2300m from the surface of the dodecagon. I do not know and have not been able to find online what would be a good solution for this. Do light fixtures that exist today meet the requirements of providing equivalent to sunlight light at the surface from 2300m up? Do we need to significantly lower the light fixtures down to 50m above the surface in order for them to be effective? Perhaps there is a way to pipe in real sunlight from our Sun, but I am not certain how we would do this in a spinning cylinder. Or perhaps a whole new technology is needed for this.

Immigrants from Earth would be instructed to bring clothes that are good for temperatures from 4c to 25c but that take into account zero precipitation. They would also be permitted to bring books that would go either in the apartment complex bookshelf, or perhaps a sub-quad library, or perhaps a central library. They could also bring a few small decorative items to decorate their apartment. People who are doctors, teachers or nurses would be permitted to bring extra things corresponding to their role. They could also bring any laptop computer and mobile device, but no monitors and no desktop computers. A bulk shipment of monitors would be ordered and given to people who request them. There may be a few more items these immigrants would be permitted to bring with them but I can't think of them at present.

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