Monday, July 01, 2024

space tree farm part three

It seems I can't help but continue to think about this idea.

First, after having done some research I would not have only half an atmosphere of pressure within the cylinder, I would have full Earth sea level air pressure inside as otherwise it isn't safe for people.

Next I thought about what a wonder it would be to get inside the cylinder to see a mature or growing forest that has it's other end 2km away and circles up to the left and right all the way to the ceiling a km away. So, to share this with others I would build a small hotel that is right at the port side of the cylinder at the forest floor and to allow for 8-12 guests - the number of guests would be limited by the capacity for passengers in a space ship that brings them to the farm. The hotel would restrict the guests to only have week-at-a-time visits so that a space ship can be scheduled to arrive every Saturday to drop off the new guests and pick up the departing guests. As staff there would be a chef, a sous-chef who also acts as server and a maintenance/cleaner who maintains all of the infrastructure of the hotel and also cleans the rooms between guests and as needed.

By having weekly space ship visits this could allow for supplies needed for the farm and hotel to be delivered, and for lumber to be taken away once it is ready, and for the delivery of any staff for the farm who could have either hotel rooms, or a private barracks that is attached to the hotel. In the hotel complex would also be the lumber processing building that takes the logs that are harvested from the farm and produces the various lumber products.

Guests would be permitted to visit the lumber processing building but be held behind a cordoned off area so as not to come close to any dangerous equipment. Similarly, hotel guests would be welcome to explore all of the 6.2 sq km surface of the forest. Given this possibility of exploring, and once there is some lumber available, a gazebo can be built at a point within the cylinder that is 180 degrees around the cylinder and perhaps 1500m away, and which has a nice garden around and near it. Guests would need to be clear that this is a week long vacation that doesn't have very much to do except for wandering the forest.

The hotel would be outfitted with urine only toilets/urinals and defecate only toilets. The urine will go into a grey water system that would also take sink water and laundry water from the hotel. The grey water system will use an alternate route to be used out in the forest. The defecation will be macerated and then heat-composted and then aged and accumulated. After the appropriate aging time has passed, perhaps once a month, a farm worker will take it out into the forest and bury it; burying it in an orderly fashion such that no same place is buried twice until the whole 6.2sq km is done.

At each of the four cardinal points of the cylinder, for the whole length of the cylinder there will be a collection pipe at the steel surface, beneath the asteroid regolith bricks and beneath the 3m of substrate and above the impermeable layer; this is to collect any water that happens to make its way right to the bottom. Pumps would activate the north km of the cylinder to push the water to the north end to have it feed the precipitation system and other pumps would do the same on the south side of the cylinder. Where the pumps are located there would be the equivalent of a sewage pipe from street level down to the pump, only this would be from forest floor level down to the pump with a proper manhole cover. In this way the pumps can be inspected, maintained or replaced easily.

Perhaps the hotel would be closed for a month during Spring and a month during Fall as determined within the farm's atmospheric system. During the winter there could be cross country skiing offered that passes through the forest. Obviously the ski equipment and gear is stored at the hotel in various sizes and that a staff member is there to teach them. Since the maple trees change colours in the fall, the hotel will stay open to receive guests until that time, but once the leaves have fallen, that is when the hotel closes for a month. Doing this will give the hotel staff some time off and the whole farm can be put on autopilot and be monitored from elsewhere.

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