Saturday, October 05, 2024

box kite frog joke

Book group tonight; two guys of which I am one, all other are women. Inner critic - wow, the women, all of them commiserating how difficult it is to live with their inner critic. Other guy voices he doesn't think he has one; I silently agree that I don't seem to have one either.

There is no voice within me telling me that I am insufficient, or that I ought to react in a revengeful way, or that I am an imposter, or that I ought to be better.

One of the women mentioned how there is always a gap between the thing that happened and the response we give to it but that she is sometimes unable to jump into that gap to pick a response, and instead, allows immediate amygdala control to supercede any frontal lobe response. I on the other hand have widened that gap such that it is omnipresent.

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