Tuesday, June 22, 2021

what, no limericks?

As previously noted, I'm booked on two solo cruises over the next 18 months. I have a blog category of posts called 'Questions', so I've thought of a social game that I could put into action to get other solo travelers involved.

First I'll say that I have a social game and would ask if anyone would like to play, get people to sit in a rough circle, like around a table or in a living room on a sofa and a few chairs. Or perhaps people are already seated in this way and I can propose the game.

Ask someone for a token of some kind, it could be a pen, a coin or some obscure item that they happen to have with them. If more than one person produces a token, I would pick the most interesting one and that person will now get a choice. (other people with tokens can put them away, not needed)

This is now where I explain the game, I would speak to the person who has the token and say that I will offer them four categories and they are to pick from the categories. I will then ask that person a question from that category that he/she will answer, and then around the group each person gets a turn to answer that question, including me. Once we've gone all around, the token gets passed to the next person, and we continue as described.

Below are the categories and a couple of example questions that I have at the ready.


Capitalism is good for some people and not good for others; is capitalism a right and fair way to run a civilization?

Space exploration is taking up billions of dollars while at the same time the Climate Crisis could really benefit from that amount of investment. Is it right that we should continue space expansion/exploration when we have problems here on Earth?


If a red Kawasaki motorcycle without doors crashed into a medium sized bowl of yellow petunias, what would the resulting colour be?

What would be the most ideal finger prints one would use to teach an obstetrician student how best to cook a prime rib steak without the use of lozenges?


Have you ever gone on a road trip? Would you describe a memorable one?

If you have ever owned a car, what was the first or second one you owned and do you have any stories about it?


Seeing contrails as they are being produced in the sky, or shooting five free throws successfully in a row.

Climbing trees or exploring caves.

Of the categories the 'Heavy' one is the one I have trouble with coming up with the most number of questions. I can produce inane, fun or preference questions almost ad infinitum. I guess between now and the first cruise I'll just need to think more about the heavy question category and see what I can come up with.

The other thing I've thought about with respect to this game is that I would only introduce it under the right conditions; if I see an opening, for example, or if I see stray solos that I can group together. If the right conditions do not present themselves at any time, I'll just keep this game in my pocket for whenever next an opportunity presents itself.

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