Saturday, June 11, 2022


As the pandemic started, Hema-Quebec ceased measuring blood pressure at each donation. Yesterday when I went, they started again though the nurse indicated that the results would not block the donation irrespective of the values.

My systolic is significantly higher as compared to my last reading back in January of 2020 where I had 127/81. My diastolic has also risen. I dread to go on blood pressure reducing medication, so I will now need to do some research to see what I can do that would lower it. Undoubtedly it will be diet and exercise.

A very quick preliminary search gave me this article which summarized, lists these items:

1. Lose weight - I am already at a good weight
2. Exercise regularly; coincidently I had just started a daily exercise plan a few days ago
3. Eat healthy - this is where I need the most work
4. Reduce sodium - this is something I've never focused on, I'll pay more attention
5. Limit alcohol - I mostly don't drink alcohol any longer after I've accepted that it is poison
6. Quit smoking - I don't smoke
7. Cut back on caffeine - I don't drink coffee but I drink too much Coca-Cola, I will try to decrease this
8. Reduce stress - I do not get particularly stressed

So; stop ordering food from Dominoes, decrease the Coca-Cola I drink, pay attention to salt, and keep exercising.

Hopefully Hema-Quebec will continue to measure blood pressure at each of my donations so I can keep track if any of my change of behaviour has any effect.

 At 17889 days old today I'd like to see about doing my best to have very good days past my 27889th day.

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