Wednesday, August 17, 2022

next to nothing is something

Using a pirouette as a lamp shade is not an intangible likeness to a tetrahedral gardening implement, but much closer to the idea of elongating a week by a day in such a way as no one notices.

Sardines being used as envelope sealing paste is perhaps not the most popular olfactory solution that the low paid postal workers would be pleased with as compared to the insufficient lighting in the south west corner of the warehouse. Dandelion paste would be much more amenable.

The participation of ten and eleven year old people in promoting the vaguest of concepts came as no surprise to the sobriety testers. Those testers, familiar with their own diffuse ideas had previously had their own promotion. The low paid postal workers were confused by the promotion and didn't smell the fish smell.

If none of this post rings true, just remember that next to nothing is something. Also, next to anything could either be something or nothing. Also, adjacent to everything, something must be. Finally, this is a pattern post.

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