Saturday, October 28, 2023

taking the underground transport backwards

Earlier this week Quebec Transport minister announced only a moderate level of assistance to the province's public transport networks for an over the next five years plan.

The report indicated that all of the agencies have a 250B$ deficit, but she (the minister) announced only a 500M$ allowance. She cited that Montreal represents 90% of the deficit and why should the rest of Quebec subsidize Montreal? Receiving significant pressure she said that this weekend she will provide a revised amount, likely higher, but still nowhere close to the 75% coverage that the transit agencies are asking.

Among many factors she seems to not be considering, Montreal also provides the lion's share of Quebec personal income and corporate tax income so proportionally speaking it ought to get more of this transit money. Also, there was an announcement a few weeks ago about a new massive battery factory in an outer suburb with the Quebec government providing billions in subsidies. For the purposes of climate change we need to reverse that spending and put the billions in transit improvement and expansion and slow down the advance of individual car ownership.

I've been walking a lot lately in an area of my suburb that has significant car traffic, having to walk along a stroad for a fair distance. As a result of doing this I have been feeling a little overwhelmed with the number of single occupancy vehicles that are out there.

Anyhow, back to the minister; I seem to feel strongly enough about this to write to my provincial member of Quebec's government. Unfortunately it won't do any good as he is in a minority party, but I'll write to him anyhow.

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