Saturday, November 25, 2023

brak frak slack crack

I don't want you to feel unsafe.

Google Translate gives me this: Je ne veux pas que tu te sentes en danger.

So in Google I do a simple search: define: unsafe and it reports it is an adjective meaning 'not safe' or 'dangerous'.

I prefer this definition from Merriam Webster:

unsafe - adjective

a : able or likely to cause harm, damage, or loss

b: not giving protection from danger, harm, or loss

c: not protected from danger, harm, or loss

d: likely to take risks : not careful

I do not know if there is a way to say in French the unsafe that is less dangerous than dangerous. It is the c: definition, the idea of being protected from harm that I am wanting the 'unsafe' to mean. So maybe I should have said:

Je veux que tu te sentes protégé du mal.

This still doesn't convey the exact meaning I am after, but it is closer. Here is another try:

Je ne veux pas que tu sentes que tu serais sujet au mal.

It is a clunky sentence but I don't know how I could do better.

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