Friday, June 08, 2007


Have you ever read a book and found that it reciprocates well with world events even if the book is fiction or has nothing in common with the world events in question other than a vague similarity?

I have.

Have you ever had long periods in your life where you were reading the next book just as soon as you finished the previous, continuously reading books for many consecutive months or years?

I have.

Should the subject of this post have been books instead of blocks or do you think having a subject that has nothing to do with the content of the post (as happens with many of my posts) is tolerable or acceptable?


tmfrt said...






tmfrt said...

(oh, for clarification: tolerable/acceptable, yesh.)

coffee or tea?

The OE said...

If newspapers could talk would we have CNN?

Debstar said...

This is your blog, if you like to have a subject heading that has nothing to do with what you are writing then do it. Personally I like it because it is odd and quirky which is why I started reading your blog. BTW Teeny Tiny reads your blog on a regular basis and reckons you're weird & wonderful.

ghost said...

yes yes and yes. or yes to the third power.