Wednesday, March 04, 2009

slipping down the food

I did push-ups again yesterday and decided to jump ahead, and did so with success.
I did 40, 80 heartbeats, 30, brushed my teeth, 30. Next I'll try doing 42,29,29, then 44,28,28.

I have also brought my gym bag today to see about a restart of a 5KM run.

In other news ketchup did not go on sale this week.


meshie said...

Yay for pushups! :D I did 13, 13, 15, 15, 12, 12, 10, and 35 last night... the 35, I actually had to break up into 25 and 10, but my goal is to do 35 straight at the end of those sets. And once I accomplish that, I can move onto week 6 of the challenge. :D

I loathe ketchup.

supertomek said...

..nonetheless ketchup remains an integral part of the circle of life :)