Wednesday, March 25, 2009

swallowed whole by an envelope

Mesopotamia must have been dark at night time, mostly.

I'm not very good at ironing clothes. I do well enough that what I have ironed no longer looks super wrinkly.

Guffaw is not a word I use often. I have a telephone voice recognition weakness where I often can not identify a person simply by their voice, even if it is someone I speak to on a regular basis. If I am able to get them to laugh, however, I can identify them immediately.

I blogged a week or two ago that I would no longer be providing fitness updates. I am still teetering on the fence concerning this topic. I am still doing push-ups, have taken up running again and play ping-pong three to five times a week. Maybe I will post the details of what I'm doing in another post, or maybe I won't.


ghost said...

but are you winnning those ping pong games?

Zhoen said...

North Korea is dark at night, from satellite.

I'm very good at ironing, but I rarely do any.

I hate when people assume I'm just going to recognize their voice on the phone. Or when work acquaintances think I should remember their names.

I have another blog for the boring exercise, with another friend who can post hers. It's *very* boring, but it's helping us keep going.

Phil Plasma said...

I win between five and six sevenths of the games I play ever since Arif was laid off. When he was here I would only be winning about four sevenths.