Friday, December 17, 2010

Insinuated barracks

The angle of protrusion that vacates coaxed envelopes from the anticipation that waned cooperatively from deviousness to flavour, guilting the superficially inept into wallowing mercilessly beyond a fragrance laced with the sour taste of failure. To recite the Vogon poetry recalling pithy visions like crunchy breakfast cereal, would be unlike any other lugubriously kempt bale of straw; lichen driven and funky. Mesopotamian dreams of electricity fail to ignite the simple or barrage the elven. Quantifiable dreams make terrible digital wrist watches.


Debstar said...

The elven are not of this world.

Zhoen said...

Ode To a Lump of Green Slime I Found in my Armpit One Midsummer's Morning....