Carry your heart like a toaster
This obviously isn't the best place to talk about topics that shouldn't be mentioned.
It also isn't the best medium for truly personal communication. One reason for this is that it is public domain.
Just about anyone could come and read this or any other blog that is within the public domain. I should know, I do just that. Occasionally I do encounter blogs that have truly personal communication.
I do not admonish such activity. I also do not replicate it. One other thing I don't do is play ice hockey. That was not a truly personal communication.
Can we use your comments like a blog and reveal truly damaging and shameful revelations about ourselves, if we just write in double-entendres and non-sequitors and insert lots of red herrings and make illogical arguments?
This is exactly what I do - the odd post that is made up of purely nonsense contains within it a thread of a snippet of a personal relation.
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